Thursday, January 26, 2012


This incredible ship fliped to its side after hitting a giant rock just about two miles from shore.The captin of this vessel Francesco schettino.Like the story a good captin always sinks with the ship he got off and the coast guard were teling him to get back on there are people dying.He was sitting on a life boat when this happen.Eleven people died and twenty four were missing.

1 comment:

  1. Great job Adel!!!!! Did you know that the clean up efforts are predicted to take up to a year to remove the ship, either by refloating it or cutting it up for scrap?
    I read a report that the ship captain had time to get his personal belongings from his cabin, including a computer, and that he then claimed to have tripped and fallen into a lifeboat. REALLY?????

    I can't believe that the captain took no part in the evacuation. Very sad.
